Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik

The G7’s Geoeconomic Future

Insights from Conflicts with Russia, China, and Iran

In an increasingly conflictual global environment, the G7 has become a more and more important geoeconomic actor. Yet looking at the case studies of Russia, Iran, and China reveals that the geoeconomic role the G7 plays has been mixed. For the G7 countries to improve their geoeconomic impact, they need to align their interests and risk perceptions, as well as improve their ability to propose and enact geoeconomic measures. In addition, the G7 should bolster its partnerships with other democracies and like-minded countries. 

Dr. Claudia Schmucker
Dr. Stormy-Annika Mildner
Avi Shapiro

How Feminist Foreign Policy Can Help Overcome Outdated Dichotomies

Germany has a long—and flawed—history of debating whether values or interests should take precedence in foreign policy decision-making. Feminist foreign policy could provide an impetus to leave this behind.

Leonie Stamm



Der neue Podcast "BerlinsideOut" gibt tiefe Einblick in die deutsche Außenpolitik. Die Moderatoren Benjamin Tallis , Senior Research Fellow und Leiter der „Aktionswerkstatt Zeitenwende“, und der Journalist Aaron Gasch Burnett, tauchen wöchentlich mit wechselnden Gästen tief in die geopolitischen Dynamiken und Deutschlands Rolle darin ein.

Jetzt anhören! Jeden Dienstag eine neue Folge auf allen großen Plattformen – Spotify, Apple Podcast, Podigee


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