External Publications

Jan 30, 2024

Carrots and Sticks in Migration Cooperation: Three Uncomfortable Truths

Abbildung: Vienna Migration Summit
All rights reserved

Conventional wisdom holds that Europe should use tools from all policy fields, especially the holy trinity of visa, trade, and aid incentives, to reach its migration goals. But what if the prescribed medicine only works for a few patients? New research spells out three uncomfortable truths that should guide Europe’s use of carrots and sticks in migration cooperation in the future.  


Effective migration partnerships with countries outside of Europe are a declared goal of the European Union and its Member States. But views diverge on what good migration cooperation looks like and which strategies are useful toward different partner countries. A particularly thorny issue is the use of positive and negative incentives. Also known as conditionality, it is debated heatedly in politics, academia – and of course at the Vienna Migration Conference.

The full article can be found here.

Bibliographic data

Rietig, Victoria. “Carrots and Sticks in Migration Cooperation: Three Uncomfortable Truths.” January 2024.

This article was first published by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development on the 17th of January.

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