Transnistria Suffers Russia’s Tough Love
It is crucial for Moldova to prioritize energy diversification, enhance security, and foster regional cooperation. At the same time, the crisis offers an opportunity for Moldova to reframe its relationship with Transnistria, preparing for future reintegration in a way that is both strategic and sustainable, including a vision on energy policy that includes Transnistria and minimizes Russia’s influence.
What the Germans Think ... About “Debt Brake” Reform
Conventional wisdom suggests that the German public is fiscally conservative and hostile to easing the constitutional debt brake. However, a new poll suggests that a majority of Germans, including supporters of the center-right CDU/CSU, want the debt brake to be changed to allow for higher levels of investment.
China's Expanding Cyber Playbook
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Vermitteln statt verschweigen: Außenpolitik erklären – aber wie? (mit Ulrike Franke)
In der neuen Folge von „Pod und die Welt“ sprechen Martin Bialecki und Katharina Peetz mit der Sicherheitsexpertin Ulrike Franke über angemessene politische Kommunikation in Zeiten multipler Krisen.