US Expert Rachel Tausendfreund Joins DGAP

The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) is delighted to welcome Rachel Tausendfreund as a senior research fellow for transatlantic relations. Tausendfreund arrives at a crucial stage in the US presidential election and brings extensive experience to the position.
Foto: Willkommen Rachel Tausendfreund

A recognized expert on the United States and transatlantic relations, Rachel Tausendfreund will join DGAP as of August 1 – initially as an associate fellow and, from September on, as a senior research fellow. Previously a senior fellow in the geostrategy team at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GFM), she researches and writes about US and German domestic and foreign policy, transatlantic relations, and alternative (postcolonial and feminist) approaches to foreign policy. Her in-depth knowledge of political dynamics and societal developments in the United States makes her a valued analyst and commentator for relevant international media. At DGAP, she will also focus on security policy and the efforts of the United States to maintain its technological superiority.

Tausendfreund is taking up her position at a pivotal time for the United States and Europe. Against the backdrop of current geopolitical challenges and the approaching US presidential election, DGAP’s Research Institute is looking forward to working with her to deepen transatlantic research and develop recommendations for action to help shape the future of German and European foreign policy. She says:

“Whatever the outcome of the November elections, it will be a crucial time for transatlantic relations and global security thinking in Washington. I look forward to returning to DGAP to help shape the new direction.”

Rachel Tausendfreund was GMF’s managing editor from 2015 to 2022 and was responsible for the organization’s research findings and publication planning. She cofounded the GMF podcast “Out of Order” and is cohost of the podcast “Transatlantic Takeaways.” From August to November 2022, she was a visiting fellow at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. 

Tausendfreund has been working in Berlin since 2006. She has also served as an editor at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and as an editor of the DGAP journal Internationale Politik.

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