Think Tank School

The Think Tank School is a unique training program for early-career professionals that is specifically tailored to the requirements and demands of the think tank sector. 

The six-month program offers fellows the opportunity to take the next step in their careers by developing their skills for effective think tank work, expanding their professional network in the policy and think tank community, and applying innovative methods to an individual research project of their choice.

Who Can Participate
Competency Framework & Learning Objectives
Program & Structure
Why Participate
Tuition Fee 
How To Apply 


The Think Tank Lab created a rich program that showed us, fellows, in many different ways how to achieve more impact as think tanks and research institutes.

Ana Helena Palermo Kuss, Advisor to the President, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research


Who Can Participate

The Think Tank School is open to think tank professionals who have:

  • Research and analysis roles in a think tank or policy-oriented research institute based in Germany; and
  • One to five years of professional experience in the sector or other relevant fields. 

Career changers are also welcome to participate. We do not impose age restrictions for applicants. The program offers 15 to 18 spots per cohort. 
We reserve the right to allocate a limited number of places to think tankers from European organizations. If this applies to you, please get in touch directly.


Competency Framework & Learning Objectives

The Think Tank School is based on a competency framework that was specifically developed to reflect the variety of skills required to excel as a think tanker in an ever-changing environment.


After participating in the Think Tank School, you will be able to: 

  • Critically reflect and consciously shape your dynamic role as a think tanker; 
  • Develop and implement innovative and relevant projects that are designed to impact policy; 
  • Cooperate with peers and stakeholders toward a common policy goal; and
  • Provide your organization with impulses for its further development.

Program & Structure

The Think Tank School consists of a mix of three training modules in Berlin, a study trip to Brussels and three hands-on project phases that allow for flexible and self-paced exploration and implementation. 


The program combines different learning formats, prioritizing your professional growth while supporting knowledge transfer to your organization.

Training Modules

Interactive seminars led by experts and practitioners provide practical knowledge, tools, and key frameworks for innovative and impact-driven think tank work. You are encouraged to translate these concepts into your own work environment. 

Policy Projects

Apply the newly acquired tools to a policy problem of your choice and develop and implement an individual project step by step. It is also possible to carry out a joint project with one or more fellows. The weekly time commitment varies depending on whether the chosen project is part of your regular work portfolio. We recommend scheduling one to four hours per week for the project.

Online Community Calls

Engage in two community calls per project phase to present your project progress and receive peer feedback. Expert webinars provide additional thematic input. 

Shadowing & Research Visits 

Gain firsthand insights, a behind-the-scenes look at real policy processes, and inspiration in your policy field or work by shadowing key stakeholders or conducting research visits to relevant institutions such as a ministry, parliamentary office, media outlet, or innovation studio. These visits can vary in duration depending on your availability and that of the host institution.

Peer Learning & Learning Exchanges

Peer coaching formats enable you and the other fellows to support each other professionally and provide advice on how to implement the policy projects. In addition, we encourage fellows to set up their own learning exchanges with the organizations of the other participants.

Networking Activities

Connect and exchange ideas with peers, policymakers, funders, and key stakeholders from throughout the think tank landscape through networking activities and social events.


Why Participate

For fellows: Unlock your potential at the Think Tank School – a unique opportunity to acquire and test new skills within the context of a practical policy project. Get expert guidance, implement innovative projects, and expand your professional network by connecting with peers, policymakers, and think tank stakeholders. Plus, you become a member of the Bosch Alumni Network and MercatorGlobe, global alumni communities fostering cross-sectoral exchange and collaboration.

For organizations: Enhance your think tank's capabilities through the Think Tank School – systematically train and empower your employees, gain insights into innovative approaches, and expand your network with other think tanks. The School provides a safe space for experimenting with novel project forms and designs while ensuring a seamless knowledge transfer back to your organization.

Tuition Fee 

Participation in the Think Tank School is possible for a fee of EUR 1,175 (excl. statutory VAT). A limited number of partial scholarships are available in case of financial needs; please contact us directly if required.

The tuition fee covers:

  • All expert lectures, learning activities, networking events, and site visits;
  • All online community calls with additional input from experts;
  • All learning materials, including project templates, background resources, and a learning journal; 
  • Lunch and coffee breaks during the in-person trainings and activities;
  • Diploma upon completion of the Think Tank School; and
  • Access to the Think Tank Lab community and alumni networks. 

The fee does not include travel and accommodation to Berlin and Brussels. Participants are responsible for arranging and covering these costs themselves.

How To Apply

To apply for the Think Tank School 2024: 

  1. Please read the following information carefully; 
  2. Fill out the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM and submit all supporting documentation. 

The deadline for applications is April 7, 2024.

Application Documents

To apply, you must submit ALL of the following:

  • A motivation statement (two-minute video or 300-word essay) describing why you would like to participate in the Think Tank School, and how you will apply what you have learned to your work. 
  • A description of the policy problem (300-word essay) you would like to work on during the program.
  • Details about the stakeholders that you would like to interview and shadow and why you have selected them. 
  • A letter of support from your organization stating that you will be allowed to participate in all trainings and community calls. It should also describe the type of support you will receive in implementing your policy project (e.g., the ability to publish your analysis on the organization’s website, assistance in organizing an event, etc.).
  • A short written bio (100 to 150 words) and your resume (two to three pages).
Selection Process

Participants will be selected on the basis of their experience and expertise, their chosen problem, and on how the Think Tank School will support them at this point in their career. The Think Tank Lab team will also take into consideration the background of other participants to ensure a diverse cohort.

The participants of the 2024 cohort will be announced no later than April 17, 2024.

Expectations for the Fellows

Active participation in all training modules and community calls is expected of all Think Tank School fellows. In addition, participants are expected to read the course material and work on their individual projects independently. The policy project should be implemented before the final module.

Information Webinar

For interested participants and organizations, an information webinar will take place on March, 7, 2024, from 12:00 – 01.00 PM. To participate, please register here.


The Think Tank School's structured approach to addressing policy challenges helped me to recognize underlying systems and engage with key stakeholders. The program supported me in becoming better at my job, enabling me to be a changemaker. 

Mauricio Böhl, Researcher, IDOS – German Institute of Development and Sustainability


Contact person


Fellows 2023
Policy Project: (Achieving) Strategic autonomy at sea: EU as a maritime security actor

Policy Project: The (potential) Impact of the European Green Deal on German-Turkish Economic Relations

Policy Project: Game of Tropes. Gender-Based Disinformation as a New Frontier for Foreign Influence Operations in Eastern Africa.

Policy Project: How to improve gender diversity in policy making?

Policy Project: Flipping the script on illiberal transformation: How local action and governance can work to defy anti-democratic measures of the state leadership

Policy Project: Flip the Script: The EU’s Continuing Security Engagement in the Sahel

Policy Project: Promoting Clean Energy in Central Asia: German Companies' Role and Best Practices

Policy Project: Working with Civil Society Groups: How Should European Actors Respond to Anti-French Sentiment in the Sahel?

Policy Project: Thinking Beyond Financial Pledges: How to Engage the Ukrainian Diaspora in European Efforts to Rebuild Ukraine"

Policy Project: Governing the donor-recipient relations in Ukraine’s reconstruction agenda

Policy Project: EU Security Dilemma: a peace actor who teaches to fight

Policy Project: Preparedness of the EU regarding interference (especially disinformation) in light of the 2024 European elections - assessment of Chinese policy material on the issue and readiness/responses in the EU and member states

Policy Project: Addressing the Russian-Iranian Dilemma in the Middle East

Policy Project: Addressing exponential gaps: Improving organizational readiness to deliver sustainable solutions at scale.

Policy Project: Make Amazon pay? How to tackle labor policy and the future of work in Germany.
Fellows 2022
Policy Project: Pointing at the man behind the curtain: How to design convincing disinformation detection?

Policy Project: Registry of AI Systems Used by the German Public Sector

Policy Project: Integrated and universal social protection programmes to balance the impacts of the transition towards carbon neutral economies 

Policy Project: EU Migration Policy-making in Crisis Mode: Has the EU Found its Blueprint for the Future?

Policy Project: Electricity market design for a net-zero emissions electricity system

Policy Project: Identifying leeway for Germany's role in humanitarian reform processes

Policy Project: Cybersecurity as a challenge for outer space security

Policy Project: How does the international context of growing polarisation and tendencies towards self-sufficiency force the EU to adapt through a rethinking of its industrial, trade and competition policy?

Policy Project: Outlining a feminist digital policy: How can we make digital policy and tech regulation take societal risks into account and work in the public interest?

Policy Project: Reconciling the German economic model with security concerns

Policy Project: Mother Earth is sick of manels - The potential of Feminist Foreign Climate Policy and how it should be implemented by German foreign policy

Policy Project: France’s role and agenda in Africa-EU relations

Policy ProjectThe Future of the Internet: How might we need to adapt to a bifurcating cyberspace?

Policy Project: The role of health in the energy transition

Policy Project: Sustainable Tech: How might we make digital infrastructure (and AI as a new part of it) more sustainable?
Fellows 2021


Policy Project: Toward a New Storyline: Crafting a Transatlantic Narrative for Future Generations

Policy Project: The Circular Chemical Economy as a Carbon Sink

Policy Project: Digging for a Green Future: Securing Critical Raw Materials Supply Chains in the EU

Policy Project: Acting Out: Germany’s Engagement in the Indo-Pacific

Policy Project: Responding to China's (dis)information operations in Europe

Policy Project: Nordic Approaches to Comprehensive Security and Resilience: Lessons for Germany

Policy Project: How to strengthen trust in the expertise of think tanks in intercultural contexts: The example of Ukraine

Policy Project: EU strategic autonomy in security and defense: towards a new transatlantic bargain?

Policy Project: We are not ready yet: Europe from a German-Nordic-Baltic perspective

Policy Project: Foreign Cultural Policy in Difficult Contexts. How Can and Should Foreign Cultural Policy Be Carried Out in Difficult Contexts?

Policy Project: From Bibi to Bennett: Polarization of Israeli Society and Its Influence on Foreign Policy



