Isabell Kump is a Policy Advisor with the Munich Security Conference (MSC). She focuses on the topics of human security, EU foreign and security policy, and defence. Before joining the MSC, she was Research Assistant in the Global Issues Division at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) in Berlin and Programme Officer at SWP Brussels. She studied Sociology and Political Science in Erlangen-Nuremberg, Münster, and Östersund. In addition to her contributions to the Munich Security Report 2022 and 2023, she has already published several articles, including on the framing of health in the United Nations Security Council.
Policy Project: "Flip the Script: The EU’s Continuing Security Engagement in the Sahel"
The policy project will investigate how the European Union (EU) can retain, but most of all, revamp its security engagement in the Sahel region. In this regard, the policy project will focus on how the lessons the EU has learned from its engagement in Mali (and Niger) can be effectively implemented in its continuing engagement in neighbouring countries. In this context, it will also deal with the consequences of the presence of Russia for the EU’s continuing efforts to support countries in fostering security and countering terrorism.