Policy Project: The role of health in the energy transition

Katharina Wabnitz is a medical doctor and public health researcher. She used to work as a Research Associate for The Lancet-Chatham House Commission on Improving Population Health post COVID-19 and is currently employed part-time at the LMU Munich where she is working on a process evaluation of the 'S3 guideline on infection prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2 in schools' to complete a medical doctorate. From April 1, 2022, she joined the new, Berlin-based, Think Tank 'Centre for Planetary Health Policy' where she will focus on the new framework "planetary health in all policies", its operationalisation and implementation in transformative political action. Her methodological expertise is in systematic literature research and qualitative methods. Further areas that she is active in are transformative education and transformation of norms and values for planetary health.

(As of July 2022)

Katharina Wabnitz



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