Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik

The End of the Zeitenwende

Reflections After Two Years of Action Group Zeitenwende

This personal assessment challenges whether Germany’s Zeitenwende has achieved its goals. While it reflects the author’s views, not necessarily the view of all members of DGAP’s Action Group Zeitenwende, the debate continues. In the coming weeks, DGAP’s magazine Internationale Politik Quarterly will invite more experts to explore whether Germany’s Zeitenwende has failed or what it needs to succeed.

Dr. Benjamin Tallis
Online Commentary

Europe’s Multiple Futures

Four Futurescapes for Europe’s Geopolitical Positioning in 2030
Tim Bosch
Dr. Katja Muñoz
Jacob Ross
et al.

Ein europäischer Frühling an der Weichsel

Nach dem Wahlerfolg der Opposition in Polen atmet Europa auf. Der Weg für einen Neuanfang in den Beziehungen zu Deutschland und den europäischen Institutionen ist geebnet – doch es warten viele Herausforderungen.

Botschafter Rolf Nikel

A Franco-German Grand Bargain on Energy Policy

European energy ministers will meet on October 17 to try and make progress on critical energy legislation. France and Germany are deeply skeptical about each other’s energy strategy. But finding a compromise is now urgently required to finally unlock the EU-wide energy transition.

Shahin Vallée

In der Migrationsdebatte gibt es keine einfachen Lösungen

Um Migration besser zu regulieren, muss Europa verstärkt in Partnerschaften mit Herkunfts- und Transitländern investieren. Vor allem Deutschland hat dafür gute Karten.

Dr. Marie Walter-Franke

Neu in der Mediathek

Ukraine: The Military and Political Path Forward

DGAP's Morning Briefing

The panel looks at the recent Kursk incursion and its implications for Ukraine’s path forward – both militarily and politically. Russia has vowed revenge for the first invasion of Russian territory since the Second World War and is threatening to expand its war of aggression against Ukraine on multiple fronts.


18:00 - 20:00 | 10 Sep 2024

DGAP Professionals

The US Elections: Expectations, Perspectives, Implications

Themen & Regionen