Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik

Military Mobility

Getting Germany’s ­Transportation Infrastructure Up to Speed

Germany is NATO’s linchpin for moving military assets to its eastern flank. Yet the decay of the country’s infrastructure, its prohibitive bureaucracy, capacity constraints, and vulnerability to physical and cyber threats cripple military mobility. This undermines Germany’s ability to fulfill its obligations under NATO’s New Force Model at a time when Russia represents an increasingly acute threat and Berlin is about to deploy a full brigade to Lithuania.

Jannik Hartmann
Policy Brief

Trouble at the Top

It’s not much of a secret that Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz are very different characters. Their deepening rift is damaging the Franco-German relationship—and Europe.

Dr. Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable

Made in America

Wie Trumps Handelspolitik weiter wirkt
Dr. Dominik Tolksdorf
Externe Publikationen



Der neue Podcast "BerlinsideOut" gibt tiefe Einblick in die deutsche Außenpolitik. Die Moderatoren Benjamin Tallis , Senior Research Fellow und Leiter der „Aktionswerkstatt Zeitenwende“, und der Journalist Aaron Gasch Burnett, tauchen wöchentlich mit wechselnden Gästen tief in die geopolitischen Dynamiken und Deutschlands Rolle darin ein.

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