Podcasting for Think Tanks

WonkComms Breakfast Club
26 June 2024
Event location
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, 10117 Berlin, Germany


WonkComms - Podcasting for Think Tanks

Podcasts are powerful tools for storytelling and information dissemination that have gained popularity with listeners across multiple demographics. As such, they have also become an important part of content strategy in the think tank world. Research communicators aiming to reach broader audiences and better influence policy have seized on podcasts as a way to raise their profile among key target groups and to develop new audiences for their work. But how can think tanks leverage podcasting most effectively?

At this WonkComms Breakfast Club, we will discuss what makes podcasts such a great medium for think tanks. We will explore how to build an audience for a think tank podcast, what success looks like, and how to measure it. We would also like to hear from you about your experiences with podcasting for research comms, including the lessons you have learned and how you think the format will develop.

Our conversation will be kickstarted by Sébastien Vannier, press spokesman for the Centre Marc Bloch, and Julia Reger, project officer for digital educational resources at the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, who will share practical insights and examples from their think tank podcasts.

Coffee, croissants, and comms – what could be a better start to your morning?

Sébastien Vannier 
Press Spokesman, Centre Marc Bloch

Julia Reger
Project Officer for Digital Educational Resources, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation

Wiebke Ewering Head of Communications, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)

Please register for the meeting here. And please forward this invitation to any friends and colleagues you think might be interested. As spaces are limited, registrations will be considered on a first come, first serve basis. So, if you can’t come for any reason, please let us know asap so that we can offer the space to someone else.

If you cannot join us for this session, don’t worry, there will be further WonkComms Breakfast Clubs hosted at other Berlin think tanks later in 2024. Please follow WonkComms on Twitter and Think Tank Lab on LinkedIn for further announcements. In the meantime, please feel free to get in touch to offer suggestions for future topics and speakers.

For any questions, please contact Rachel Buntrock (rachel.buntrock@desingbysoapbox.com) or the Think Tank Lab team (hello@thinktanklab.org).

We look forward to seeing you soon! 

About WonkComms Breakfast Clubs: WonkComms is a global network of think tank communications professionals who share ideas and best practices. Our first event was in the UK in 2013 and we have since expanded our activities to the US, Latin America, Spain, and Germany. We organize informal events on subjects that are of practical interest to our community. You can find us on Twitter and LinkedIn. The WonkComms Breakfast Club series in Berlin is organized by Soapbox and the Think Tank Lab.
