A Week of Decisions: Germany’s Capacity to Act After US Elections & Government Crisis
Letzter Weckruf? Trumps Triumph, Europas Scheitern (mit Constanze Stelzenmüller)
Foreign Policy Implications of Trump’s Return and Germany’s Coalition Collapse
Change, instability, and transition will characterize the foreign policy environment over the coming months as politicians and citizens grapple with the reverberations of a double-whammy shaking the Western world: the United States, the globe’s premiere power, will once again be led by Donald J. Trump, the country’s chief disrupter, while Germany, Europe’s largest power, has to contend with a tumultuous collapse of its coalition government and an unclear path to new elections. Both events are bound to trigger consequences further afield.
Safeguarding International Climate Protection Against the Trump Agenda
Letzter Warnschuss
Germany’s Last Chance to Redefine Its Role in Europe
The coming election campaign in Germany is expected to focus on domestic issues. Whether the country is really prepared to play a greater leadership role in Europe, especially when it comes to Ukraine, remains an open question.
The Underwhelming Scholz Government Meets an Untimely End
The break-up of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’ coalition government was expected, but is still taking place at an extremely critical time. Its successor will have to set clearer priorities—and find greater fiscal space.
Neu in der Mediathek
Deutsche Außenpolitik in der Ära Trump: Worauf kommt es an? (mit Claudia Major)
Was bedeuten Donald Trumps Personalentscheidungen für den außen- und sicherheitspolitischen Kurs der USA? Kann Berlin zwischen Ampel-Aus und Neuwahlen eine europäische Führungsrolle übernehmen – und wenn nicht, wer dann?