Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik

Transformation am Scheideweg – Was in den USA zur Wahl steht und wie es Europa betrifft

Kamala Harris und Donald Trump bieten ihren Wählerinnen und Wählern sehr unterschiedliche Zukunftsvisionen für die industrielle Entwicklung Amerikas an. Unter dem Motto „Außenpolitik für die Mittelschicht“ weitete die Biden-Administration Schutzzölle gegenüber China aus und punktete damit im ­industriellen Herz des Landes. Durch das Investitionspaket des „Inflation Reduction Act“ vollzog Biden in den USA eine klimapolitische Kehrtwende, verbunden mit der Fortsetzung protektionistischer Wirtschaftspolitik seines Vorgängers. Eine zweite Amtszeit Trumps hätte jedoch noch schwerwiegendere ­Folgen für Standorte in Deutschland und Europa.  

Dr. Kira Vinke
Friedrich Opitz

Germany Needs a Strategy—Grand and Democratic

German leaders have long been reluctant to discuss, let alone set, grand strategy. Now, with the world in flux and the old ways no longer working, Berlin needs to step up and clearly lay out what it wants—and how it plans to get it.

Dr. Roderick Parkes
Florence Schimmel
Dr. Benjamin Tallis

The Future of the Zeitenwende: Futureproofing German Security Policy

Stubborn stasis. Huge unilateral change. Stubborn stasis. Germany has repeated this pattern for decades, causing gridlock in Europe. Now it is in danger of repeating it yet again.

Dr. Roderick Parkes
The Future of the Zeitenwende

The EU’s New Anti-Coercion Instrument Will Be a Success if It Isn’t Used

For the first time, the EU has made a nexus between trade policy, which is the European Commission’s domain, and security policy, which still largely rests with the member states. Its Anti-Coercion Instrument is a deterrence tool.

Dr. Kim B. Olsen
Dr. Claudia Schmucker
Quarterly Concerns

Into the Unknown

2024 will likely test Germany when it comes to its two most important defense and security tasks: helping Ukraine and improving the Bundeswehr.

Dr. Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable

Russia’s Geostrategic Shifts

By launching its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Moscow has brought back geopolitics to Europe for good. It’s striking, however, that a country with such limited resources has been able to set the framework within which the Europeans are forced to act.

Dr. Stefan Meister
Cover Section

Neu in der Mediathek

What to Make of von der Leyen’s European Commission Proposal

DGAP's Morning Briefing

This edition, the panel looks at the College of Commissioners proposed by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on September 17. For the first time, it includes a Commissioner for Defence. We also examine the policy priorities of this new Commission and the approval process in the European Parliament.

DGAP in den Medien


Themen & Regionen