Nahost & Nordafrika


Aktuelle Publikationen

The G7’s Geoeconomic Future

Insights from Conflicts with Russia, China, and Iran

In an increasingly conflictual global environment, the G7 has become a more and more important geoeconomic actor. Yet looking at the case studies of Russia, Iran, and China reveals that the geoeconomic role the G7 plays has been mixed. For the G7 countries to improve their geoeconomic impact, they need to align their interests and risk perceptions, as well as improve their ability to propose and enact geoeconomic measures. In addition, the G7 should bolster its partnerships with other democracies and like-minded countries. 

Dr. Claudia Schmucker
Dr. Stormy-Annika Mildner
Avi Shapiro

A Return to Diplomacy

The Iran Nuclear Deal and a Democratic White House
Dr. David Jalilvand
Dr. Cornelius Adebahr
External Publications

Doppelter Druck auf Iran

Die US-Sanktionen in den Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie
Dr. David Jalilvand
Externe Publikationen


Vergangene Veranstaltungen

09:00 | 01 - 03 Dez. 2016

Rome Med Konferenz 2016: Mediterranean Dialogues

Beyond Turmoil: A Positive Agenda

Die ROME MED: MEDITERRANEAN DIALOGUES sind eine jährliche Initiative des italienischen Außenministeriums und des italienischen Institute for International Political Studies. In diesem Jahr war das Programm Naher Osten und Nordafrika der DGAP gemeinsam mit Chatham House, dem European Council on Foreign Relations, dem French Institute of Foreign Relations, dem European University Institut und Bruegel einer von sechs Partnern des ISPI, die während der MED-Konferenz politische Foren anboten.

Think Tank Veranstaltung
09:00 | 01 - 03 Dez. 2016

Rome Med 2016: Mediterranean Dialogues

Beyond Turmoil: A Positive Agenda

ROME MED: MEDITERRANEAN DIALOGUES is an annual high-level initiative organized by the Italian foreign ministry and the Italian Institute for International Political Studies. In 2016, the DGAP’s Middle East and North Africa Program, together with Chatham House, the European Council on Foreign Relations, the French Institute of International Relations, the European University Institute, and Bruegel served as the six partners of ISPI to realize different policy forums during the MED conference.

Think Tank Event
09:00 | 20 - 23 Nov. 2016

Workshop: What Does the Future Hold for Morocco and Tunisia?

Socioeconomic Challenges and Opportunities

Das EU-Middle East Forum der DGAP lud 18 Teilnehmer aus Forschung, Zivilgesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik und Medien ein, mögliche sozioökonomische Entwicklungen in Marokko und Tunesien zu analysieren. Die Teilnehmer aus Nordafrika und der EU lernten in einem Szenarienworkshop, mit Methoden der strategischen Vorausschau zu arbeiten.

Think Tank Veranstaltung
09:00 | 20 - 23 Nov. 2016

Socioeconomic Challenges and Opportunities: What Does the Future Hold for Morocco and Tunisia?

Workshop, November 20-23, 2016, Rabat

This November the DGAP’s EU-Middle East Forum invited 18 North African and European mid-level professionals from the fields of academia, civil society, economics, politics, and media to analyze potential socioeconomic developments in Morocco and Tunisia by using the methodology of strategic foresight.

Think Tank Event
09:00 | 15 - 18 Aug. 2016

Turkey and Egypt in 2025: Foreseeing Challenges and Opportunities

Capacity Building Workshop des EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF)

Das EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF) des Programms Naher Osten und Nordafrika der DGAP veranstaltet in Zusammenarbeit mit der Robert Bosch Stiftung, dem Swedish Institute Alexandria und dem Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) vom 15. bis 18. August 2016 einen Capacity Building Workshop zum Thema „“ (Scenario Planning and Strategic Policy Analysis).

Think Tank Veranstaltung

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