In this center, experts deal with various aspects of security and defense policy. The scope of their research activities includes German and European defense and security policy, stabilization and civilian crisis management on the European and African continents, and conflict risk reduction in the Asia-Pacific region.
Main Topics:
- German, European, and transatlantic security and defense policy
- Military capabilities, arms cooperation, and technological innovation
- Nuclear deterrence, arms control, and non-proliferation
- Civilian crisis prevention, stabilization, and peacebuilding
- Security and conflict risks in the Asia-Pacific
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Deutschlands Zeitenwende in der Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik
The good, the bad, and the ambiguous
Preventing the Next War (#EDINA III)
Germany and NATO Are in a Race Against Time (#EDINA III)
Security, Industry, and the Lost European Vision (#EDINA II)
How Russia’s War in Ukraine Is Changing the European Defense Technological and Industrial Base
Fragile Sicherheit
Das Ende des Friedens und die neue Konfliktordnung
Transatlantische Perspektiven unter Obama und Trump
Eine Vergleichsstudie zur Frage nach Kontinuität und Wandel US-amerikanischer Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Media Center
Abschreckung verstehen: Strategie, Atomwaffen und ihre Grenzen
Die große Frage
Wo ist die Bundeswehr im Ausland im Einsatz? Und warum?
Die große Frage
Russia, Ukraine And The Grain Deal
DGAP’s Morning Briefing
How Russia’s attack is affecting Ukraine’s economy with Oleg Ustenko
DGAP’s Morning Briefing
In the media
Past events
09:00 - 14:30 | 04 Nov 2021
International Trends in the Tertiary Prevention of Islamist Extremism
InFoEx Insights
17:00 - 18:30 | 24 Aug 2021
DGAP Crisis Prevention Web Talk
Konfliktbearbeitung und Stabilisierung in der deutschen Außenpolitik
09:00 - 10:00 | 25 Jun 2021
The Power of No: Understanding Resistance in Diplomacy
Crisis Prevention Web Talk
16:30 - 18:00 | 17 Jun 2021
Gender and Exit Work from Islamist Extremism
Perspectives from Civil Society, Law Enforcement, and International Research
20:30 - 22:00 | 07 Jun 2021
Videospiele machen Außenpolitik!
Lange Nacht der Ideen 2021
16:00 - 17:00 | 04 Jun 2021