
Through its work, DGAP offers interdisciplinary expertise on the constantly changing facets of policy in national and international security, defense, and armaments.


Recent publications

What If the USA Closes Its Nuclear Umbrella Over Europe?

If the United States were to end its nuclear pledge to Europe, it would cause itself considerable damage. However, were this worst-case ­scenario to materialize, Europe would still have two important nuclear powers: France and the United Kingdom. To increase their credibility, both states must intensify their nuclear consultations. A European dialogue between nuclear and non-nuclear states is also needed. 

Dr. Karl-Heinz Kamp
Policy Brief

Media Center

In the media


Past events

09:00 | 01 - 03 Oct 2015

Deconstructing Islamist Terrorism in Egypt

Policy Workshop, October 1–3, 2015, Berlin

Why has terrorism reemerged in Egypt? What are the aims of the most active militant groups? What is the nature of link to so-called Islamic State and Al Qaeda? How do Egyptian groups they finance their activities and how effective is the Egyptian state in countering this threat? Finally, how can the international community best support Egypt’s fight against terrorism? A 3-day policy workshop at the DGAP’s EU-Middle East Forum of the MENA program delved deeply into these questions.

Program Event
09:00 | 29 - 30 Jun 2015

Zukunftsdebatte: Öffentliche Verwaltung im Westlichen Balkan

Entscheidungsträger und Analysten aus der Region entwickeln Szenarien

Politische Entscheidungsträger, Verwaltungsbeamte und Think-Tank-Analysten aus der Region trafen vom 29. bis 30. Juni in Berlin zusammen, um Zukunftsszenarien zur Reform der öffentlichen Verwaltung zu entwickeln.

Think Tank Veranstaltung
09:00 | 29 - 30 Jun 2015

Debating the Future of Public Administration in the Western Balkans

Policy makers and analysts from the region develop future scenarios

Public administration constitutes a vast area for reform in the countries of the Western Balkans. Political leaders have committed themselves to creating a professional, depoliticized, transparent, and service-oriented public sector – a requirement that also ranks highly on the EU’s priority list for future member states. But will reform efforts succeed in the long run? And what might public administration in the Western Balkans look like in ten years?

Think Tank Event
09:00 - 16:30 | 22 Apr 2015

Lehrstunde Afghanistan

Wie kann multilaterale und ressortübergreifende Kooperation im Krisenmanagement gedacht, geplant und durchgeführt werden?

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
12:30 - 14:30 | 21 Apr 2015

Defense Strategy on Both Sides of the Atlantic

Defining a coherent and future-oriented defense strategy is a challenging task for decision makers on both sides of the Atlantic. A model being applied in the United States is the concept of “net assessment” as an approach to grand strategy. But what exactly are the theoretical concept and the methods behind net assessment, and how can it be implemented? What role does strategic coordination with international partners play in that process? Is there a similar approach in Germany? Where has net assessment set or influenced the strategic agenda? What are concrete examples of its multi-disciplinary approach?

Program Event

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