Debating the Future of Public Administration in the Western Balkans

Policy makers and analysts from the region develop future scenarios

29 - 30 June 2015
Event location
DGAP, Berlin, Germany
Invitation type
Invitation only


These questions were at the center of debate of a "joint strategic foresight workshop" that brought together 27 policy makers, public officials, and policy analysts from potential EU candidate countries in the Western Balkans as well as from Croatia, the newest EU member state. Rather than trying to predict the future, scenario-building serves as a useful instrument for reflecting on alternative paths of development. This in turn contributes to understanding dynamic environments and provides a sound basis for decision making. Going beyond the details and technicalities of current reform efforts, the workshop sought to develop a comprehensive picture of the factors shaping public administration in the Western Balkans.

The strategic foresight workshop was a joint project of the European Fund for the Balkans, the Regional Academy for Democracy, and the DGAP’s TRAIN Programme. A short summary of the workshop results and participants’ impressions can be accessed below. 


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