Contagious Violence: Crisis Prevention at the Gulf of Guinea

DGAP Crisis Prevention Web Talk
19 Mai 2020
Ort der Veranstaltung


Organized violence in West Africa has started to spread south from the core countries of the Sahel region towards the coastal states of the Gulf of Guinea. Armed groups engaged in organized crime mix with jihadist influences. These groups increasingly exploit center-periphery differences as well as contested elections in some of these countries. It will be crucial to avoid mistakes made in engaging with the same groups in the Sahel.

The Web Talk will discuss the political, security, and economic dynamics of this impending violence. It will also focus on entry points for the states concerned as well as international actors such as Germany to prevent the infection of the Gulf of Guinea states with organized armed groups from the Sahel.


Dr. Lori-Anne Théroux-Bénoni, Director of the Regional Office for West Africa, the Sahel and the Lake Chad Basin, Institute for Security Studies, Dakar

Yan St-Pierre, CEO, Modern Security Consulting Group MOSECON GmbH, Berlin

Robert Dölger, Director for Sub-Saharan Africa and the Sahel, German Federal Foreign Office

Facilitation: Dr. Gerrit Kurtz, Research Fellow, Conflict Prevention and Diplomacy in Africa, DGAP

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Next events in this series:

  • Tuesday, June 2, 2020: A Lost Year 2020? Strengthening the EU’s Civilian Missions in Times of Global Crisis
  • Tuesday, June 16, 2020: A Golden Opportunity for Prevention: Sudan’s Transition Process


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