Nahost & Nordafrika


Aktuelle Publikationen

Rückkehr-Debatte nach Syrien: Weniger Charter, mehr Chancen

Die Rückkehr-Debatte zu Syrien zeigt drei Arten von Forderungen: die nötigen, die unnötigen und die fehlenden. Nötig ist eine Pause neuer Asylentscheidungen und die Prüfung freiwilliger Rückkehrförderung. Unnötig sind Charterflüge und Diskussionen zum Widerruf von Schutz, da diese verfrüht sind und falsche Erwartungen wecken. Stattdessen braucht es erstens die Einbindung syrischer Diasporaorganisationen in eine Wiederaufbau-Konferenz und zweitens Migrationsdiplomatie mit der Türkei. Unrealistische Schnellschüsse schaden der Debatte und dem Wiederaufbau.

Victoria Rietig
Externe Publikationen

Frauenproteste in Iran

Feministische Außenpolitik als Chance für einen Wandel der deutschen Iran-Politik
Kerstin Müller

Proteste im Iran

Versagt die feministische Außenpolitik Deutschlands?
Dr. Cornelius Adebahr

In den Medien


Vergangene Veranstaltungen

09:00 - 18:00 | 04 März 2019

Socio-Economic Development and Violent Extremism in Morocco (Workshop II)

Morocco’s Regional Policy, Migration, and (De-)Radicalization – Perspectives from the Region and Europe

The workshop in Rabat was the second in a series devoted to analyzing Morocco’s regional policy in Sub-Sahara Africa as well as its approach to tackling radicalization and violent extremism. Mid-level experts working in the field of policy analysis and advice in think tanks, academic research institutions, and comparable organizations were brought together with decision-makers from Morocco and the European Union to discuss options for action in the field. The participants had previously attended another workshop in Berlin on December 8-11, 2018.

Program Event
09:00 - 18:00 | 04 März 2019

Socio-Economic Development and Violent Extremism in Morocco

Morocco’s Regional Policy, Migration, and (De-)Radicalization – Perspectives from the Region and Europe (Workshop II)

The workshop in Rabat was the second in a series devoted to analyzing Morocco’s regional policy in Sub-Sahara Africa as well as its approach to tackling radicalization and violent extremism. Mid-level experts working in the field of policy analysis and advice in think tanks, academic research institutions, and comparable organizations were brought together with decision-makers from Morocco and the European Union to discuss options for action in the field. The participants had previously attended another workshop in Berlin on December 8-11, 2018.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
09:00 | 08 - 11 Dez. 2018

Socio-Economic Development and Violent Extremism in Morocco (Workshop I)

Morocco’s Regional Policy, Migration, and (De-)Radicalization – Perspectives from the Region and Europe

The past years have seen a reorientation of Morocco’s regional foreign policy and an acceleration of Morocco’s economic integration with Sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, socio-economic challenges at home persist and have reinforced domestic economic and political grievances, which have also acted as key drivers of radicalization. Consequently, some have criticized the increasing investments in countries south of the Sahara and called for greater domestic engagement to improve the country’s situation.

Program Event
09:00 | 08 - 11 Dez. 2018

Socio-Economic Development and Violent Extremism in Morocco

Morocco’s Regional Policy, Migration, and (De-)Radicalization - Perspectives from the Region and Europe (Workshop I)

The past years have seen a reorientation of Morocco’s regional foreign policy and an acceleration of Morocco’s economic integration with Sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, socio-economic challenges at home persist and have reinforced domestic economic and political grievances, which have also acted as key drivers of radicalization. Consequently, some have criticized the increasing investments in countries south of the Sahara and called for greater domestic engagement to improve the country’s situation.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
10:00 | 04 - 06 Okt. 2018

Tunisia’s Fragile Democracy: Decentralization, Institution-Building, and the Development of Marginalized Regions

Perspectives from the Region and Europe (Workshop II)

The workshop in Tunis was the second in a workshop series devoted to analyzing issues related to the development of marginalized regions, decentralization and institution-building in Tunisia. It brought together mid-level experts who work in the field of policy analysis and advice in think tanks, academic research institutions, or comparable organizations, and who had previously attended a workshop in Berlin in August 2018 to discuss with decision-makers the options for action.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
10:00 | 04 - 06 Okt. 2018

Tunisia’s Fragile Democracy (Workshop II)

Decentralization, Institution-Building, and the Development of Marginalized Regions – Perspectives from the Region and Europe

The workshop in Tunis was the second in a workshop series devoted to analyzing issues related to the development of marginalized regions, decentralization and institution-building in Tunisia. It brought together mid-level experts who work in the field of policy analysis and advice in think tanks, academic research institutions, or comparable organizations, and who had previously attended a workshop in Berlin in August 2018 to discuss with decision-makers the options for action.

Program Event

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