Nahost & Nordafrika


Aktuelle Publikationen

Rückkehr-Debatte nach Syrien: Weniger Charter, mehr Chancen

Die Rückkehr-Debatte zu Syrien zeigt drei Arten von Forderungen: die nötigen, die unnötigen und die fehlenden. Nötig ist eine Pause neuer Asylentscheidungen und die Prüfung freiwilliger Rückkehrförderung. Unnötig sind Charterflüge und Diskussionen zum Widerruf von Schutz, da diese verfrüht sind und falsche Erwartungen wecken. Stattdessen braucht es erstens die Einbindung syrischer Diasporaorganisationen in eine Wiederaufbau-Konferenz und zweitens Migrationsdiplomatie mit der Türkei. Unrealistische Schnellschüsse schaden der Debatte und dem Wiederaufbau.

Victoria Rietig
Externe Publikationen

Walking a Tightrope in Tunisia

The Aspirations and Limitations of Migration Policy Reform
Tasnim Abderrahim
Alia Fakhry
Victoria Rietig

In den Medien


Vergangene Veranstaltungen

09:00 - 18:00 | 05 Dez. 2017

Rome Med 2017: Mediterranean Dialogues

Charting New Paths For the Mediterranean

ROME MED: MEDITERRANEAN DIALOGUES is an annual high-level initiative organized by the Italian foreign ministry and the Italian Institute for International Political Studies. The MENA Program of the German Council on Foreign Relations was on of the scientific partners to the conference.

Program Event
18:30 - 20:00 | 16 Nov. 2017

Das Atomabkommen als Pfand:

Trumps Iran-Politik belastet die transatlantischen Beziehungen

Veranstaltung der Gesellschaft
09:00 | 06 - 09 Sep 2017

Tunisia’s Rocky Road to Stability: Security Sector Reform, (De-)Radicalization and Socio-Economic Development

Perspectives from the Region and Europe (Workshop II)

The workshop in Tunis was the second in a workshop series devoted to the subjects of security sector reform, combatting radicalization and socio-economic development in Tunisia. It brought together mid-level experts who work in the field of policy analysis and advice in think tanks, academic research institutions, or comparable organizations, and who had previously attended a workshop in Berlin in July, to discuss with decision-makers the options for action in the field.

Think Tank Veranstaltung
09:00 | 12 - 15 Juli 2017

Tunisia’s Rocky Road to Stability (Workshop I)

Security Sector Reform, (De-)Radicalization and Socio-Economic Development – Perspectives from the Region and Europe

Despite the progress Tunisia has made in the past years, corruption and the high frequency of changes in government have hampered socio-economic development and political reform. These grievances have led to a growing disenfranchisement with the political process, particularly among the youth. Radical groups have been gaining a stronger foothold among politically and socioeconomically marginalized groups in Tunisia.

Think Tank Event

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