

Aktuelle Publikationen

Strengthening Climate Foreign Policy at the European Level

While the EU is a leader on global climate action, it regularly proves to lack the strategic cohesion needed to quickly meet emerging geopolitical challenges. Taking steps to formalize a European climate foreign policy and improve coordination among the European External Action Service (EEAS), Commission, and member states could help address this deficit and allow the EU to advance ambitious climate standards globally while preserving its strategic interests.

Loyle Campbell
Dr. Kira Vinke
Anna Sperber

Germany Needs a Strategy—Grand and Democratic

German leaders have long been reluctant to discuss, let alone set, grand strategy. Now, with the world in flux and the old ways no longer working, Berlin needs to step up and clearly lay out what it wants—and how it plans to get it.

Dr. Roderick Parkes
Florence Schimmel
Dr. Benjamin Tallis

In den Medien


Vergangene Veranstaltungen

12:30 - 14:00 | 29 Apr. 2019

Winds of Change: What Next for Ukraine?

This Sunday, on July 21, Ukrainians will vote for a new parliament in snap elections after President Zelensky dissolved the Rada on the day of his inauguration. Ahead of the vote, where Zelensky's party may win big, listen to DGAP's panel discussion which took place on April 29, shortly after the presidential elections, with three distinguished speakers and chaired by Dr. Cristina Gherasimov, DGAP Research Fellow, about what Europe could expect from a new political cycle in Ukraine.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm

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