

Aktuelle Publikationen

Strengthening Climate Foreign Policy at the European Level

While the EU is a leader on global climate action, it regularly proves to lack the strategic cohesion needed to quickly meet emerging geopolitical challenges. Taking steps to formalize a European climate foreign policy and improve coordination among the European External Action Service (EEAS), Commission, and member states could help address this deficit and allow the EU to advance ambitious climate standards globally while preserving its strategic interests.

Loyle Campbell
Dr. Kira Vinke
Anna Sperber

In den Medien


Vergangene Veranstaltungen

18:30 - 20:00 | 07 März 2017

Audio: Moldaus Kampf um Reformen und die Europäische Union

Wie sollte die Östliche Partnerschaft angepasst werden?

Moldau, einstmals Musterkind der europäischen Annäherung, ist zum Härtefall geworden. Partikularinteressen und tief verwurzelte Korruption sind die größten Hindernisse für nachhaltige Reformen auf der politischen, gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Ebene. Der neue Präsident Igor Dodon stellt sogar die Effektivität des Assoziierungsabkommens mit der Europäischen Union von 2016 in Frage. Er plädiert offen für die Alternative, der Russland-finanzierten Eurasischen Union beizutreten.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
12:30 - 14:00 | 20 Febr. 2017

The Trump Administration, Europe, and the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

Audio file of Alexander Vershbow in discussion with Olaf Böhnke, Stefan Meister, and Daniela Schwarzer

Former US ambassador Alexander “Sandy” Vershbow discussing security issues with Olaf Böhnke of Rasmussen Global and the DGAP’s Stefan Meister and Daniela Schwarzer, followed by an audio interview in our podcast series Perspectives.

Program Event
14:00 - 16:00 | 10 Nov. 2016

EU-Turkey Relations after the Coup

Brussels Briefing with Asli Aydintaşbaş, Andreas Nick, Patrick Paquet, and Günter Seufert

On November 9, the European Commission published its 2016 Progress Report on the status of the enlargement process with Turkey, including an assessment of the country’s process of political reform. The next day Patrick Paquet presented the report results at the DGAP and discussed with panelists the state of EU-Turkey relations in light of the developments after July’s attempted military coup in Turkey, the EU-Turkey Agreement on Refugees, and Turkey’s role as regional actor.

Think Tank Event

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