Eastern Europe


Recent publications

A Political Landslide in Hungary Challenges Orbán’s Regime and the EU

Viktor Orbán, expecting a far-right surge, previously framed the recent European Parliament election as a “revolutionary moment for Brussels.” Instead, it turned out to be a revolutionary moment against him at home. The new Tisza party of Péter Magyar, a former ruling party appointee, practically eradicated the traditional opposition forces in Hungary and weakened Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz. This has consequences not only for the country’s domestic politics but also its role in the EU.

Dr. András Rácz

Russische Reservisten

Mobilisierung wird sich über Monate hinziehen
Dr. Christian Mölling
Dr. András Rácz
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Past events

09:30 - 16:30 | 31 May 2017

Fehlende Verantwortung der Eliten

Chatham House-DGAP-Konferenz zu den Ländern der Östliche Partnerschaft und Russland

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
12:30 - 14:00 | 29 Mar 2017

Banking Sector Reform in Ukraine

Valeria Gontareva, governor of the National Bank of Ukraine, spoke on March 29 at the DGAP about the current progress of reform in the Ukrainian banking sector and the challenges ahead.

Think Tank Event
18:30 - 20:00 | 07 Mar 2017

Audio File: Moldova, the EU and the Struggle for Reforms

How Should the Eastern Partnership be Adjusted?

Moldova, the former frontrunner of European rapprochement, has become a main concern. Vested interests and deep-rooted corruption are the main obstacle to substantial reforms in the country’s political, social and economic spheres. The new president, Igor Dodon, even questions the effectiveness of the Association Agreement with the EU signed in 2016. He openly argues for the alternative: joining the Russia-sponsored Eurasian Union.

Program Event
12:30 - 14:00 | 20 Feb 2017

The Trump Administration, Europe, and the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

Audio file of Alexander Vershbow in discussion with Olaf Böhnke, Stefan Meister, and Daniela Schwarzer

Former US ambassador Alexander “Sandy” Vershbow discussing security issues with Olaf Böhnke of Rasmussen Global and the DGAP’s Stefan Meister and Daniela Schwarzer, followed by an audio interview in our podcast series Perspectives.

Program Event

Further Topics & Regions