The institutions of the German Council on Foreign Relations consist of the general assembly, the presidium, and the executive board of the presidium. More details about the functions of these institutions can be found in the Statutes of the DGAP (in German).
DGAP Boards
- Board
The members of DGAP’s Management Board are also ex officio members of its Board:
- Advisory Council
- Niels Annen
- Stefanie Babst
- Susanne Baumann
- Elmar Brok
- Henri de Castries
- Deborah Düring
- Katrin Gaertner
- Timothy Garton Ash
- Stephan Goetz (Membership suspended)
- Eric Gujer
- Gregor Gysi
- Stefan Haid
- Jürgen Hardt
- Christiane Hoffmann
- Wolfgang Ischinger
- Christian Jacobs
- Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer
- Eckart von Klaeden
- Alexander Lambsdorff
- Joachim Lang
- Anja Langenbucher
- Ulrich Lechte
- Franz Mayer
- David McAllister
- Claudia Nemat
- Hannah Neumann
- Christopher von Oppenheim
- Kristi Raik
- Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen
- Thomas Risse
- Norbert Röttgen
- Herbert J. Scheidt
- Nils Schmid
- Constanze Stelzenmüller
- Christoph Trebesch
- Nathalie Tocci
- Johann Wadephul
- Natasha Wunsch
- Honorary Members
- Dr. Arend Oetker (Honorary President)
- Dr. Klaus von Dohnanyi
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl Kaiser
- Prof. Dr. Rita Süssmuth
- Prof. h.c. Günter Verheugen
- Dr. Antje Vollmer
- Finance Committee
- Dr. Stephan Goetz (dormant)
- Herbert J. Scheidt
- Academic Advisory Committee
- Prof. Dr. Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse (Vorsitz)
- Prof. Dr. Nathalie Tocci
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Trebesch
- Prof. Dr. Natasha Wunsch
Contact person