Great Hopes, Dampened Expectations: the EU before the CSDP Summit

Brussels Briefing mit Daniel Keohane, Conrad Häßler und Henning Riecke

06 November 2013
Ort der Veranstaltung
DGAP, Rauchstr. 17, 10787 Berlin Deutschland
Nur für geladene Gäste


At the European Council in December 2013, the heads of state and government will take stock of their ambitions to develop a joint approach to security and defense issues for the first time in five years. After years of internal crisis management, the agenda for the last summit of the year suggests that the EU and its member states are finally turning outward again. However, expectations for a fresh impetus to Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) seem to be limited.

At this Brussels Briefing, we will discuss the prospect of the CSDP and the proposals floated in the run-up to the summit by the EU and its member states. What are the main issues on the agenda – and what is missing? How are the proposals discussed in the respective member states and European institutions, and what can one expect from the summit? What would the minimum outcome be to call it a “success”? How do the preparations resonate with NATO partners, and which demands are formulated toward the Europeans?


Daniel Keohane

Head of Strategic Affairs,

Foundation for International Relations (FRIDE)

Conrad Häßler

Security and Disarmament Policy,

Federal Chancellery

Dr. Henning Riecke

Head of Program, Transatlantic Relations/USA,

German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)

The Brussels Briefing is organised by the Alfred von Oppenheim Centre for European Policy Studies and will be moderated by its head of Program, Almut Möller.


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