Ozeanien/Suprakontinentale Regionen

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Artikel zur Region

Germany in the Mediterranean - Between Sincere Engagement, Impotence, and a Normative Paradox

Dossier: Europe and the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean was catapulted to the forefront of German foreign policy because of the uprisings in 2011. At first, euphoria characterized Germany’s standpoint. Today the region is in disarray. The German stand was altered accordingly but its engagement continues and was raised considerably. Despite intense engagement, several constraints prevent a visible German hallmark at the macro-political level, and Germany remains vulnerable to criticism because of a normative contradiction in its policy.

Dina Fakoussa-Behrens
External Publications

Kein Land in Sicht

Für eine effektive Schlepperbekämpfung braucht die EU Stabilität in Libyen

Sebastian Feyock
Policy Brief

Multilateralism in the Far North

The Ukraine Crisis Threatens to Introduce a Security Dimension into Arctic Diplomacy

Jonas Kassow
Policy Brief

Gemeinsame Mittelmeerpolitik? Fehlanzeige

Statt zu kooperieren, verfolgen Deutschland und Frankreich in Nordafrika ihre jeweils eigene Agenda

Dr. Claire Demesmay
Katrin Sold
Externe Publikationen

Frankreichs algerisches Erbe

Die gemeinsame Geschichte und die von Gewalt begleitete Trennung belasten das Verhältnis beider Länder bis heute

Katrin Sold
Externe Publikationen