Capacity Building Workshop of the EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF)

"Turkey and Egypt in 2025: Foreseeing Challenges and Opportunities” (Scenario Planning and Strategic Policy Analysis)

15 - 18 August 2016
Nur für geladene Gäste


The DGAP's EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF), in cooperation with the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the Swedish Institute Alexandria and Istanbul Policy Center (IPC), hosted a capacity-building workshop in Berlin on August 15–18, 2016. The topic was “Turkey and Egypt in 2025: Foreseeing Challenges and Opportunities” (Scenario Planning and Strategic Policy Analysis) .  

The four-day workshop in Berlin involved some twenty young and mid-level experts and professionals working in politics, think tanks, research institutes, and civil society organizations with a focus on political developments in Turkey or Egypt. In addition to presentations by renowned experts, the participants received an introduction to scenario planning and strategic policy analysis. In two working groups, they then developed their own scenarios for possible political developments in Turkey and Egypt. The working language of the workshop was English.