The Franco-German Split on Ukraine Strategy and Beyond

DGAP’s Morning Briefing
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In this week's Morning Briefing we focus on the rift that has opened between Paris and Berlin on Ukraine strategy. French President Emmanuel Macron is pushing for a more robust approach vis-à-vis Russia and its war, making the case for ambiguity and not ruling out the eventual deployment of ground forces. In stark contrast, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been categorical in his exclusion of such a possibility and has used the “no boots on the ground” argument to rule out the delivery of German Taurus cruise missiles. Meanwhile, coordinated European efforts to supply Ukraine more effectively remain lacking. Our panelists analyze the situation and suggest ways forward.

Nico Lange, Senior Fellow, Munich Security Conference
Sylvie Kauffmann, Editorial Director and Columnist, Le Monde
Jacob Ross, Research Fellow, France and Franco-German Relations, DGAP

Henning Hoff, Executive Editor, Internationale Politik Quarterly (IPQ)




