EU Cross-Border Crisis Management: Lessons from the Pandemic

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The boarder closings due to COVID took boarder regions by surprise. Everyday life was severely disrupted, families divided. Building on the conviction that cross-border regions must be put at the very heart of European integration, this panel discussion reflected on the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on such regions and the ongoing and future challenges they face.

Birte Wassenberg, Professor of Contemporary History, Université de Strasbourg Fabienne Leloup, Professor of Economics, Social and Political Sciences, UCLouvaine (tbc)
Martin Unfried, Senior Researcher, ITEM/Maastricht University
Alain de Muyser, Secretary-General, Benelux Union

Jacob Ross, Research Fellow in the France/Franco-German Relations Program, German Council on Foreign Relations

Welcoming remarks: Landry Charrier, Attaché for Scientific and Academic Cooperation, Institut français des Pays-Bas
