Transatlantic Legislative Priorities for the Years Ahead

Panel Discussion with Congressman Gregory Meeks and Norbert Röttgen
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Panel Discussion with Congressman Gregory Meeks, (D-NY), Chairman-Elect of the House Foreign Affairs Committee
Norbert Röttgen, MP, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, German Bundestag

Comments by:
Dr. Daniela Schwarzer, Director of DGAP

Tyson Barker, Head of DGAP’s Technology & Global Affairs Program

The last four years were often described as a litmus test for the transatlantic relationship in an ever-changing world. Looking ahead, the incoming administration of US President-Elect Joe Biden presents a unique opportunity to commence a new era of transatlantic cooperation. The long list of imminent challenges that require substantial international collaboration – particularly among transatlantic partners – includes the future of NATO, obvious democratic backsliding, the ongoing pandemic, the rise of China, and the threatening effects of climate change. Chairman-Elect Meeks and Chairman Röttgen discuss with DGAP director Dr. Daniela Schwarzer, how to revive US-EU cooperation, the importance of the German-American friendship, and transatlantic legislative priorities for 2021 and beyond.