Europäische Union

Die Europäische Union ist ein Staatenverbund aus 27 europäischen Ländern. Außerhalb des geographischen Europas umfasst die EU Zypern und einige Überseegebiete. Sie hat insgesamt mehr als eine halbe Milliarde Einwohner.


Aktuelle Publikationen

A Strategy for Europe from National Perspectives: Poland

The security environment in and around Europe is becoming increasingly precarious and unforeseeable. As Poland faces an unknown end to Russia’s war against Ukraine, the repositioning of the United States, and multi-crises in the EU’s southern and eastern neighborhoods, it will support significantly greater EU involvement in stabilizing its surroundings and strengthening the defense capabilities of member states. Polish-German cooperation will be crucial for the credibility of European deterrence and the security of the EU’s external border.

Justyna Gotkowska
Łukasz Maślanka

In den Medien


Vergangene Veranstaltungen

08:30 - 10:00 | 06 Juli 2017

Hard, Soft, or Scrambled?

The UK Government and Its Post-Election Approach to Brexit

Think Tank Event
Early Bird Breakfast
09:30 - 12:30 | 23 Juni 2017

Ungarns Perspektive innerhalb Europas nach 2020

DGAP Workshop

Der nächste EU-Haushalt sieht eine deutliche Kürzung von Geldern aus den Struktur- und Kohäsionsfonds der EU für Ungarn und andere Länder in Mittel- und Osteuropa vor. Der Ungarn-Workshop untersuchte die möglichen Konsequenzen für die Regierung von Viktor Orban.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
09:30 - 12:30 | 23 Juni 2017

Hungary’s Perspective within Europe after 2020

DGAP Workshop

In the new EU budget, which will be negotiated next year and start in 2020, the inflow of EU money from its “structural and cohesion” funds to Hungary and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe is set to significantly decrease. A special Hungary workshop examined the implications of this for Viktor Orban’s government, and the question of whether Hungary may develop special relations with Russia and China as an alternative source of capital and public investment into infrastructure.

Program Event

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