

Aktuelle Publikationen

Prohibited Force

The Meaning of ‘Use of Force' in International Law

Prohibited ‘use of force’ under article () of the UN Charter and customary international law has until now not been clearly defined, despite its central importance in the international legal order and for international peace and security. This book accordingly offers an original framework to identify prohibited uses of force, including those that use emerging technology or take place in newer military domains such as outer space. 

Dr. Erin Pobjie
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Vergangene Veranstaltungen

13:00 - 15:00 | 12 Juni 2019

Verschiebung der Gewichte und Werte

Die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen nach den Europawahlen

Die Ergebnisse der Europawahlen in Polen, welche Faktoren sie beeinflussten und die Auswirkungen auf das deutsch-polnische Verhältnis standen im Mittelpunkt einer Veranstaltung des Gesprächskreises Polen am 12. Juni 2019.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
12:30 - 14:00 | 29 Apr. 2019

Winds of Change: What Next for Ukraine?

This Sunday, on July 21, Ukrainians will vote for a new parliament in snap elections after President Zelensky dissolved the Rada on the day of his inauguration. Ahead of the vote, where Zelensky's party may win big, listen to DGAP's panel discussion which took place on April 29, shortly after the presidential elections, with three distinguished speakers and chaired by Dr. Cristina Gherasimov, DGAP Research Fellow, about what Europe could expect from a new political cycle in Ukraine.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm

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