Germany After the 2025 Federal Election
The 2025 Munich Security Conference underscored a pivotal shift in transatlantic relations: Europe must learn to stand more firmly on its own. With the outcome of Germany’s federal election, the country now faces a crucial test—shouldering greater security responsibilities beyond its traditional role as an economic powerhouse. In response, DGAP experts provide clear, actionable recommendations for how the new government can bolster Germany’s position in a world that is becoming increasingly fragmented.
The Future of the Zeitenwende: Scenario 3—Russia Masses Troops on the Latvian Border
NATO must develop a credible deterrent in order to prevent attacks from Russia. In this, Germany has particular responsibility.
Germany Needs a Strategy—Grand and Democratic
German leaders have long been reluctant to discuss, let alone set, grand strategy. Now, with the world in flux and the old ways no longer working, Berlin needs to step up and clearly lay out what it wants—and how it plans to get it.
The Future of the Zeitenwende: Futureproofing German Security Policy
Stubborn stasis. Huge unilateral change. Stubborn stasis. Germany has repeated this pattern for decades, causing gridlock in Europe. Now it is in danger of repeating it yet again.
Into the Unknown
2024 will likely test Germany when it comes to its two most important defense and security tasks: helping Ukraine and improving the Bundeswehr.
The EU’s New Anti-Coercion Instrument Will Be a Success if It Isn’t Used
For the first time, the EU has made a nexus between trade policy, which is the European Commission’s domain, and security policy, which still largely rests with the member states. Its Anti-Coercion Instrument is a deterrence tool.
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Europe’s Turn: Insights from the Paris Defense and Strategy Forum
Germany will have to act swiftly with its European partners to address the US withdrawal from transatlantic security. Our guests share fresh insights from the Paris Defense and Strategy Forum hosted by President Emmanuel Macron from March 11 to 13. They also identify priorities for Franco-German relations.