Strengthening Climate Foreign Policy at the European Level
While the EU is a leader on global climate action, it regularly proves to lack the strategic cohesion needed to quickly meet emerging geopolitical challenges. Taking steps to formalize a European climate foreign policy and improve coordination among the European External Action Service (EEAS), Commission, and member states could help address this deficit and allow the EU to advance ambitious climate standards globally while preserving its strategic interests.
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Rebuilding Trust in Global Health Governance
How a “Defense Tax” Can Finance Europe’s Higher Defense Expenditure
Highly indebted European NATO countries should levy a “defense tax” to make their long-term commitment to higher defense spending politically credible and financially sustainable.
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The Trump Administration’s Approach to Russia’s War Against Ukraine
Although Donald Trump promised to end the conflict “within 24 hours” during the US election campaign, his administration started to speak of a timeline of “100 days” shortly before taking office. Its focus remains on setting up a talk or personal meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin that could lead to a ceasefire and some sort of settlement.