Paths to the Future: Perspectives on Foreign Policy
Karl Kaiser, one of the most influential figures in the history of DGAP, celebrated his 90th birthday on December 8. As its long-standing director, he transformed DGAP into Germany's leading think tank on foreign policy, leaving a profound legacy through his interdisciplinary approach to policy development. This Festschrift provides scholarly insights and strategic approaches to addressing contemporary foreign policy challenges. Download now!
Why Germany Can and Should Increase Defense Spending
The constraints on higher German defense spending are primarily political and legal, not economic or financial.
How Europe Should React to Shifts in US Ukraine Policy
Most European governments have gradually expanded their support, but Ukraine’s ability to defend itself continues to depend significantly on the United States. What could happen after the US elections?
Parliament Must Complete France’s Ballot Box Revolution
The new Assemblée Nationale’s most important task is to adopt an electoral system based on proportional representation. Only then can France’s transition from a presidential to a parliamentary democracy succeed and the far right be kept in check.
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Bundestagswahl 2025: Schwerpunkte, Konflikte, Perspektiven
Knapp drei Jahre nach Beginn des russischen Angriffskriegs gegen die Ukraine und kurz vor Beginn der zweiten Amtszeit von Donald Trump steht die Bundesrepublik vor enormen geopolitischen Herausforderungen. Neben verteidigungs- und sicherheitspolitischen Richtungsfragen stehen auch Europas Zusammenhalt, Wirtschafts- und Handelspolitik, Migration sowie Energie- und Klimapolitik auf der Agenda.