German Council on Foreign Relations

Germany After the 2025 Federal Election

A New Role in Europe, New Responsibility in the World

The 2025 Munich Security Conference underscored a pivotal shift in transatlantic relations: Europe must learn to stand more firmly on its own. With the outcome of Germany’s federal election, the country now faces a crucial test—shouldering greater security responsibilities beyond its traditional role as an economic powerhouse. In response, DGAP experts provide clear, actionable recommendations for how the new government can bolster Germany’s position in a world that is becoming increasingly fragmented.

Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff
Dr. Stefan Meister
Dr. Aylin Matlé
et al.

Universalism and Its Discontents

The West should give up its messianism, but not its norms and principles when interacting with the Global South.

Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff
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Trumps Abkehr von Europa und die Folgen für unsere Sicherheitspolitik

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