Germany After the 2025 Federal Election
The 2025 Munich Security Conference underscored a pivotal shift in transatlantic relations: Europe must learn to stand more firmly on its own. With the outcome of Germany’s federal election, the country now faces a crucial test—shouldering greater security responsibilities beyond its traditional role as an economic powerhouse. In response, DGAP experts provide clear, actionable recommendations for how the new government can bolster Germany’s position in a world that is becoming increasingly fragmented.
Europe’s Multiple Futures
A Franco-German Grand Bargain on Energy Policy
European energy ministers will meet on October 17 to try and make progress on critical energy legislation. France and Germany are deeply skeptical about each other’s energy strategy. But finding a compromise is now urgently required to finally unlock the EU-wide energy transition.
Israel-Hamas War Through a Global Lens
Berlin Needs to Show Washington It Can Do More on Defense
Germany can and should do more to lead by example and convince future US administrations to remain committed to European defense.
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Trumps Abkehr von Europa und die Folgen für unsere Sicherheitspolitik
Wolfgang Ischinger präsentiert in seiner Einführung seine Erwartungen an die künftigen transatlantischen Beziehungen, an Europas Rolle bei der Lösung des russischen Angriffskriegs gegen die Ukraine und an die Möglichkeit einer Europäischen Verteidigungsunion als Antwort auf die aktuellen sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderungen.