The Robert Bosch Center was a DGAP program that offered applied and independent research, expert seminars, and policy-oriented publications on Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia from January 2017 to February 2021. It served as an important platform for debate about the target region for those working in the areas of policy, business, academia, and civil society.
Meet Deterrence with Deterrence
An audio interview with Pavel Felgengauer on nuclear strategy in Russia and the West
Take Cybersecurity Seriously
Judy Dempsey asks Stefan Meister and other experts: Can Europe Deal With Cyberattacks?
The Great Russia Myth
From the May/June issue of Berlin Policy Journal
Russia’s Quest for a New Security Order
An audio interview with Pavel Baev
Is Populism on the Run?
Judy Dempsey Asks Milan Nič and Other Experts
In the media
Past events
Europe and Eurasia: Toward a New Model of Energy Security
Der Gazprom-Vorstandsvorsitzende Alexei Miller und der russische Energieminister Alexander Nowak zum europäischen Energiemarkt
Reorienting Germany’s Policy toward Russia
A discussion at the DGAP of new approaches for policy, business, civil society, with the Ukraine crisis in the background
Waffen, Sanktionen oder Diplomatie?
Wege zur Deeskalation des Konflikts in der Ostukraine
Energy Security in Europe
The Ukraine Crisis and the Future of EU-Russia Energy Relations
Gedenken an 70 Jahre Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs
Was bedeutet 1945 für unsere Gesellschaften heute?
Regionale Sicherheit in Osteuropa: Perspektiven aus Belarus
Expertengespräch mit Wladimir Makey