European Union


Recent publications

What If the USA Closes Its Nuclear Umbrella Over Europe?

If the United States were to end its nuclear pledge to Europe, it would cause itself considerable damage. However, were this worst-case scenario to materialize, Europe would still have two important nuclear powers: France and the United Kingdom. To increase their credibility, both states must intensify their nuclear consultations. A European dialogue between nuclear and non-nuclear states is also needed. 

Dr. Karl-Heinz Kamp
Policy Brief

In the media


Past events

17:30 - 20:00 | 21 Feb 2012

Mit mehr Integration aus der Krise

Italiens Außenminister beim DGAPforum Frankfurt

Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata unterstrich in seiner Rede, was die EU an Italien und den Italienern habe: Als eines der Gründungsmitglieder der Gemeinschaft stehe sein Land zum Euro und unterstütze die Stabilisierung der gemeinsamen Währung. Über die Sparanstrengungen hinaus seien allerdings wirtschaftliche Impulse und weitere Integrationsschritte nötig. Trotz Krise dürften die Europäer außerdem die Zusammenarbeit in anderen Schlüsselbereichen wie der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik nicht vergessen.

DGAP Regionalforum Frankfurt
10:00 | 16 - 17 Feb 2012

Germany as Viewed by the Other Member States

Workshop on Germany’s European Policy within the framework of the European Policy Institutes Network (EPIN)

20 EU analysts from the EPIN met in Berlin to discuss the way Germany’s European Policy is perceived in their respective countries. Together with experts from the DGAP and SWP, they reflected on Germany’s handling of the euro crisis, the German view on the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy, energy policy, and EU institutional questions.

Think Tank Event
18:30 | 15 - 16 Feb 2012

Deutsch-japanische Kooperation?

Symposium der DGAP und der Japan Economic Foundation (JEF) lotet Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit bei Handel, Energiepolitik und Klimaschutz aus

Welche Vorzüge hätte ein Freihandelsabkommen der EU mit Japan? Was bedeuten die nicht-tarifären Handelshemmnisse des japanischen Marktes für europäische Exporteure? Wie lassen sich die globalen Klimaschutzziele erreichen? Neben den Potenzialen einer engeren Kooperation griff das Symposium auch kontroverse Themen auf: So unterstrich die japanische Seite die Unverzichtbarkeit von Kernenergie für die Energiesicherheit, während Deutschland eine Energiewende eingeleitet hat.

Veranstaltung der Gesellschaft
18:30 | 15 - 16 Feb 2012

German-Japanese Cooperation?

A joint symposium from the DGAP and the Japan Economic Foundation (JEF) examines the opportunities for cooperation

EU and Japan started a scoping exercise on the chances of a bilateral FTA. The symposium recognized the potential but also stressed the problem of removing non-tariff barriers in the Japanese market. On energy, Japan and Germany took different positions: While some stressed that the nuclear option was still necessary to achieve energy security, Germany committed to the “Energiewende”. The last topic on climate change triggered a discussion on how to achieve the 2°C target within the Durban framework.

Council Event
14:00 - 15:30 | 06 Feb 2012

The Eastern Partnership as a Priority

A Task Force presents its recommendations for German foreign policy

In a seven-point comprehensive position paper, eight high-level political figures called for stronger German engagement in Eastern Europe and the Caucuses. “The Eastern Partnership is of central importance” for German and EU foreign policy. The German government should appoint a special representative to bring forward the German position. On February 6, the task force met at the DGAP to present their report, which is now available as a DGAPstandpunkt.

Program Event

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