

Recent publications

Die Anti-Macrons

Frankreichs Rechtsaußen und ihre Vision der EU

In Frankreich kündigt sich bei der Europawahl ein großer Erfolg der Rechtsaußen-Partei Rassemblement National (RN) an. Während Emmanuel Macron seit 2017 für EU-Souveränität wirbt, fordern das RN und eine zweite Rechtsaußen-Partei, Reconquête (R!), Souveränität auf die nationale Ebene zurückzuholen. Der Europawahlkampf bietet Einblicke in die Visionen und Feindbilder der französischen Rechtspopulisten. Die Bundesregierung sollte diese analysieren und sich entsprechend vorbereiten. Denn für eine Kooperation mit dem Pro-Europäer Macron bleiben nur noch drei Jahre.  

Jacob Ross
Nicolas Téterchen
Policy Brief

The Siege Mentality

How Fear of Migration Explains the EU’s Approach to Libya
Dr. Roderick Parkes
External Publications


Past events

12:00 | 12 - 14 Apr 2012

Franco-German Future Dialogue

Sixth annual opening seminar in Stuttgart

Presidential and parliamentary elections, different economic models and approaches, cooperation and competition in energy policy – the Franco-German Future Dialogue 2012 featured discussions on a number of aspects regarding relations between the two countries. Entry-level professionals and doctoral candidates from Germany and France came together in Stuttgart for the opening seminar of the project, now in its sixth year.

Program Event
18:00 - 20:00 | 27 Mar 2012

Germany as Measuring Stick

EADS CEO Louis Gallois calls for an ambitious European industrial policy

Joint efforts are the only way for Europe to overcome the financial crisis and remain economically competitive, according to Louis Gallois, CEO of Europe’s largest aerospace company. The discussion included Hartmut Mehdorn, CEO of Air Berlin, and focused on analyzing Germany’s economic strength and France’s current economic malaise: “We can learn a lot from Germany.”

Program Event
09:00 | 22 - 25 Mar 2012

Fostering Policy Dialogue in the Western Balkans

Opening Seminar of the TRAIN Programme 2012 in Belgrade

How can political decision-making processes be successfully influenced? How can messages be worded clearly and potential obstacles recognized early on? These questions were tackled by the 14 participants of the 2012 TRAIN programme – Think Tanks Providing Research and Advice through Interaction and Networking – in their opening seminar which took place from March 22 to 25, 2012.

Think Tank Event
13:00 - 14:30 | 12 Mar 2012

Divided Society

Hungary is deeply polarized, while the EU criticizes. Is democracy at risk?

Since the conservative Fidesz alliance received a two-thirds majority in the Hungarian parliamentary elections of 2010, Hungary has regularly attracted negative headlines. Is Hungarian democracy at risk? On March 12, this question was addressed by Prof. Dr. Ellen Bos, political scientist at the Andrássy University in Budapest, Gergely Prőhle, deputy state secretary at the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and historian Dr. Krisztián Ungváry during a panel discussion at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP).

Program Event
08:00 - 09:30 | 07 Mar 2012

Russisches Gas für die Energiewende

Gasprom-Vertreter wirbt für mehr Wettbewerb auf dem Energiemarkt

Kann die EU ihre CO2-Emissionsziele erreichen? Gelingt in Deutschland die Energiewende? Ist Schiefergas eine Alternative zu russischem Erdgas? Diese Fragen beschäftigten die Teilnehmer des Energiefrühstücks des Berthold-Beitz-Zentrums in Kooperation mit Gasprom. Sergei Komlew, Direktor für Vertragsstrukturierung und Preisbildung bei Gasprom Export, warb für Gas aus Russland ― es sichere eine stabile Energieversorgung.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm

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