Ready for Implementation?

Unpacking the EU’s Global Strategy

07 Juli 2016
Ort der Veranstaltung
DGAP, Berlin, Deutschland
Nur für geladene Gäste


Expert workshop

Even as the UK’s referendum on EU membership dominates the headlines, the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini is sticking to her plan: to present the EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy at the upcoming European Council on June 28–29. The strategy is supposed to identify the shared foreign policy interests of all member states and to offer strategic guidance for EU foreign policy. But the EUGS can only be a guiding document as long as its impact depends on whether EU leaders intend to implement it.

Our workshop will address the following questions: What are the main strategic interests and goals included in the EU Global Strategy (EUGS)? What level of ambition does it reflect? Has the strategy found the right balance between global and regional priorities as well as between operational short-term and strategic long-term thinking? What responsibilities does the EU want to assume as a security and defense provider? How should the EU proceed in implementing this strategy? What efforts can be undertaken to foster convergence? How can the level of ambition defined in the EUGS be translated into capabilities and capability development? What are the implications for Germany? And – not least – what effect does the Brexit vote have on the strategie’s design and implementation? 


Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
Core Expertise topic