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Greece: A Clear Roadmap for Debt Relief is Needed

Questions for George Papaconstantinou

Greece recently completed its first review of the third bailout program agreed on in 2015 with European lenders. Its government has pressed to put talks on debt relief back on the Eurogroup’s agenda. The former finance minister reflects on the current political and economic climate in his country after the fall 2015 parliamentary elections, the current state of implementation of reforms, the likelihood of debt restructuring for Greece, and the lessons the eurozone has learned from the Greek crisis.

Julian Rappold

In Search of Alternatives

Greece between European Frustration and Russian Temptation

Julian Rappold
Policy Brief

Talsohle durchschritten?

Griechenland will sein Negativimage als Schuldenstaat abschütteln. Doch die wirtschaftliche Erholung verläuft schleppend

Julian Rappold