Ukraine’s Counteroffensive and Cracks in Western Support

DGAP’s Morning Briefing on Geopolitical Challenges
12 Oktober 2023
Ort der Veranstaltung


Visual DGAP Morning Briefing 12.10.2023


Petra Gombalova Kyslingerova, Head of Division Ukraine, European External Action Service (EEAS)

András Rácz, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Order and Governance in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, DGAP

Wilfried Jilge, Historian of Eastern Europe and Expert on Ukraine; Associate Fellow, Center for Order and Governance in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, DGAP

Chair: Henning Hoff, Executive Editor, Internationale Politik Quarterly, DGAP 

Every Thursday morning at 8:30, DGAP’s Research Institute brings together experts and high-level guests to discuss the latest developments in geopolitics. This week, we will assess Ukraine’s ongoing counteroffensive and what may still be achieved in the few weeks before weather arrives that will make military maneuvers more difficult. We will look at the progress made on multiple front lines, including the significance of Ukraine’s recent attack on the headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. Further, we will examine Ukraine’s path toward reconstruction and European integration. In particular, we will discuss how Kyiv is coping with emerging cracks in Western support – including the risks of the evolving political situation in Washington – and the negative impact of fierce electoral campaigning in neighboring Poland and Slovakia that includes a hardened tone toward Ukraine.