Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Week Seventeen

The Military Situation, Putin’s War Aims, and Conditions in Russian-occupied Ukraine
17 Juni 2022
Ort der Veranstaltung


DGAP Morning Briefing Week 17

The fighting in eastern Ukraine – centered on Severodonetsk and nearby Lysychansk – continues unabated. Due to its intensity there, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy recently referred to both locales as “dead cities” where it is impossible to conduct mass evacuation and bring humanitarian aid. The Ukrainian government continues to repeat its urgent request for more heavy weapons to establish parity with Russian forces in the ongoing war of attrition. With a visit by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron, and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi to Kyiv on Thursday, expectations are rising as to whether European countries will further step up their support.

This week, we will discuss the military situation on the ground, Europe’s and Germany’s policy toward Ukraine, and the situation in the parts of Ukraine that are under Russian occupation.


Dr. Anna Sauerbrey

Foreign Editor, DIE ZEIT

Wilfried Jilge Mediation Advisor on Ukraine, German Center for International Peace Operation (ZIF); Associate Fellow, International Order and Democracy Program, DGAP;

Dr. András Rácz Associate Fellow, Security and Defense Program, DGAP


Dr. Henning Hoff, Executive Editor, Internationale Politik Quarterly

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