Policy Brief

10. Sep 2013

The G-20 Five Years On: Focus on the Core Tasks!

For the group to stay relevant, it must emphasize its role as a forum for dialogue and an agenda setter

When the G-20 heads of state gather for their annual photo op, the group risks becoming peripheral if too many more issues are piled onto the agenda. But even after the financial crisis, the G-20 remains important. Only it can offer a flexible, informal forum for industrial and emerging countries. At the St. Petersburg summit it can prove its prominent role in the global financial system, but for this to work, the agenda needs to be streamlined and kept free of individual interests.


Bibliografische Angaben

Schmucker, Claudia, and Katharina Gnath. “The G-20 Five Years On: Focus on the Core Tasks!.” September 2013.

DGAPkompakt 5, September 10, 2013, 7 pp.

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