

Aktuelle Publikationen

Germany and Europe Can Boost Security by Reforming Capital Markets

Poorly developed capital markets in Germany and across the European Union (EU) hurt European security. Reforming them can foster economic dynamism, reduce harmful dependencies, and enhance Europe’s military edge. If German and EU politicians took a strategic view, they would clearly see the need to overcome fragmentation in the financial sector, increase risk appetite, incentivize private investment in innovation, and optimize regulation to meet economic and security needs. 

Julian Stöckle
Policy Brief


Vergangene Veranstaltungen

10:00 - 12:30 | 26 Juni 2017

Neue Studie zu den Russland-Sanktionen

Die Auswirkungen auf die deutsche Wirtschaft werden überschätzt

Die EU hat das Sanktionspaket gegen Russland verlängert. Gleichzeitig geht die Debatte um die Auswirkung der Sanktionen auf die russische Politik und deutsche Unternehmen weiter. In der DGAP stellte Berlin Economics eine neue Studie vor, die sich mit den tatsächlichen Auswirkungen der Sanktionen auf die deutsche Wirtschaft befasst.

Think Tank Veranstaltung
09:30 - 12:30 | 23 Juni 2017

Hungary’s Perspective within Europe after 2020

DGAP Workshop

In the new EU budget, which will be negotiated next year and start in 2020, the inflow of EU money from its “structural and cohesion” funds to Hungary and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe is set to significantly decrease. A special Hungary workshop examined the implications of this for Viktor Orban’s government, and the question of whether Hungary may develop special relations with Russia and China as an alternative source of capital and public investment into infrastructure.

Program Event

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