Climate Change is Affecting Geopolitics – Not Just the Other Way Around
Climate change affects relations between states and geopolitics. Until now, attention has predominantly been on the geopolitics of decarbonization – the shifting energy supply, new resource dependencies and mitigation finance. But there must be an equal focus on how climate change costs and damages are shifting geopolitics – arising in connection with economic decline, uninhabitability and uneven impact distribution.
What the Germans Think ... About “Debt Brake” Reform
Conventional wisdom suggests that the German public is fiscally conservative and hostile to easing the constitutional debt brake. However, a new poll suggests that a majority of Germans, including supporters of the center-right CDU/CSU, want the debt brake to be changed to allow for higher levels of investment.
China's Expanding Cyber Playbook
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Nachlese zur Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz 2025
Die Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz 2025 wurde mit so viel Spannung erwartet wie wenige vor ihr. Die USA werden auf der MSC auf maximale Härte setzen. Die transatlantischen Beziehungen stehen vor einer Zerreißprobe, Europa muss seine sicherheitspolitische Rolle nicht nur angesichts des russischen Krieges in der Ukraine neu definieren, Deutschland droht ein Handelskrieg mit seinem bisherigen Sicherheitsgaranten.