Paths to the Future: Perspectives on Foreign Policy
Karl Kaiser, one of the most influential figures in the history of DGAP, celebrated his 90th birthday on December 8. As its long-standing director, he transformed DGAP into Germany's leading think tank on foreign policy, leaving a profound legacy through his interdisciplinary approach to policy development. This Festschrift provides scholarly insights and strategic approaches to addressing contemporary foreign policy challenges. Download now!
Will Deadlock over Ukraine Kill the EU Enlargement Momentum?
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wants to postpone Ukraine’s accession talks and accelerate those of the Balkan candidates. In fact, he might slow down EU enlargement in general, which was only recently revived and which Hungary strongly supports.
Time to Deliver
Germany’s “Plumbers of Power” Lack Far-Sightedness
Just before passing its halfway mark, the coalition government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been hitting the financial buffers. Sadly, a general fiscal rethink is unlikely.
Energy Transitions in Political Upheaval
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DGAP-Präsident Thomas Enders zu Gast bei Theo Koll
In der Sendung „phoenix persönlich“ spricht Theo Koll mit Thomas Enders, Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, über die Frage, was von einer zweiten Amtszeit Donald Trumps zu erwarten ist, wie gut Deutschland darauf vorbereitet ist und welche Herausforderungen auf Europa zukommen.