The Robert Bosch Center was a DGAP program that offered applied and independent research, expert seminars, and policy-oriented publications on Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia from January 2017 to February 2021. It served as an important platform for debate about the target region for those working in the areas of policy, business, academia, and civil society.
Understanding Russian Communication Strategy
Between Old and New World Order
Russia’s Foreign and Security Policy Rationale
Risk Report Russia
Political Risk Scenarios for Russia
A Shift in German-Russian Relations
The Return of Pragmatism
Gipfel in Helsinki
Plattform für Putins innenpolitische Manöver
Russlands neue Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Präsident Wladimir Putin verabschiedet sich von der liberalen Weltordnung
In the media
Past events
Audio File: Russian Economic Influence in Central and Eastern Europe
The DGAP hosts the presentation of the report “The Kremlin Playbook”
Erneuerung der EU-Beziehungen mit Russland
Die Umsetzung der NATO-Beschlüsse von Warschau nach den amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahlen
Ukraine’s Litmus Test:
The Reform of the Judiciary
Generation Putin – Wohin steuert Russland?
Corruption in Russia
Ilya Yashin and Ilya Zaslavskiy present their reports on economic interdependence and loyalties