
Geoeconomics – one of DGAP’s core themes – explores how the politics of trade, technology, finance, and/or energy can be employed to achieve strategic goals. For Europe to remain a key player internationally, the continent must help define the rules of a new geoeconomic world order. DGAP looks at how Germany can contribute to better positioning Europe in this increasingly competitive landscape.


Recent publications

Priorities for the Next EU Commission (2024–2029)

From June 6 to 9, around 373 million EU citizens will be called upon to elect the 720 members of the next European Parliament. The new European Commission and its new President will be elected shortly thereafter. Below, our experts explain which priorities they should set during their term of office in the EU’s most important institution. Their brief analyses focus on issues such as trade, security, EU enlargement, energy, and cyber and health policy.

Dr. Claudia Schmucker
Dr. Valentin Weber
Loyle Campbell
et al.
Online Commentary

A la Recherche des Fonds Perdus

Europe and Germany’s New Coalition Need a Plan to Restore European Financial Integration
Sebastian de Quant
Policy Brief

WTO 2.0

Making the Multilateral Trading System Fit for the 21st Century and How the G7 Can Help
Dr. Claudia Schmucker
Dr. Stormy-Annika Mildner
Dr. Clara Brandi
et al.
External Publications

Further Topics & Regions