

Recent publications

Germany and Europe Can Boost Security by Reforming Capital Markets

Poorly developed capital markets in Germany and across the European Union (EU) hurt European security. Reforming them can foster economic dynamism, reduce harmful dependencies, and enhance Europe’s military edge. If German and EU politicians took a strategic view, they would clearly see the need to overcome fragmentation in the financial sector, increase risk appetite, incentivize private investment in innovation, and optimize regulation to meet economic and security needs. 

Julian Stöckle
Policy Brief

Streumunition und Völkerrecht

Zur Verwendung von Streumunition durch die Ukraine und die Folgen für verbündete Staaten wie die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Prof. Dr. Helmut Philipp Aust
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12:30 - 14:00 | 29 Apr 2019

Winds of Change: What Next for Ukraine?

This Sunday, on July 21, Ukrainians will vote for a new parliament in snap elections after President Zelensky dissolved the Rada on the day of his inauguration. Ahead of the vote, where Zelensky's party may win big, listen to DGAP's panel discussion which took place on April 29, shortly after the presidential elections, with three distinguished speakers and chaired by Dr. Cristina Gherasimov, DGAP Research Fellow, about what Europe could expect from a new political cycle in Ukraine.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm

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